Calling all wanna-be Money Magnets to join the...

The Money Magnet Accelerator

6-weeks to breakthrough your money mindset blocks and charge your worth.

Learn the mindset tools, practice the daily habits, rewrite the limiting beliefs, and DO THE WORK with Life Success Coach and Master Money Magnet Mary-Theresa Tringale

Enroll in the Money Magnet Accelerator NOW!

Are you a woman who loves your career and has been working the hustle for YEARS with little financial evidence that what you are doing is working?


You have the tools, the blueprints, the step-by-step plans for HOW to create the career or business that will create the financial results you desire...

You even have a clear vision for what you'll do with the money once you have it...


But the big payday seemingly never comes - no matter what you do - no matter how hard you grind.


This is likely because of your MONEY MINDSET and it's time to take control, understand your blocks, and create a belief system around money that works for you instead of against you.

Just imagine what your life will be like when...

  • Money is flowing through you consistently, and easily. As if you aren't even doing anything to make it happen. 
  • You can easily find $1,000 or more at your disposal, any time, anywhere.
  • The days of feeling stressed about finances are a distant memory. Now, receiving consistently is the norm.
  • You are confident in the value you deliver to your clients and know you and your services are worthy of the rate you demand.
  • Your relationship with money is the strongest it has ever been.
  • You trust money, believe it has your back, and know it will always be there when you need it.

So, you know you struggle with your money mindset, and you know you have to do something about it NOW...


But there is just one problem. Building a new mindset around money is HARD!

Wanting money, and having a strong mindset around money are two different things (or are they?).

There are tons of experts out there who will show you how to MAKE the money and plenty of experts who will teach you how to SAVE/INVEST/SPEND the money. 

But what about the "in between"? 

One of the most important fundamentals to understand about money is that it is ENERGY, just like you and me. If you can't adopt this mindset money will ALWAYS seem hard to make and stressful to manage.

There is so much work to be done!

Does this sound like you?

  • "No matter how much income I bring in, it's never enough." 
  • "It's so hard for me to earn money consistently."
  • "Everyone else's businesses are thriving but not mine, no matter what I do."
  • "I'm so unlucky, every time I have money, something comes up and I have to spend it on something I don't want to."

Guess what! You Aren't Alone!

What's holding you back from earning your worth is having AWARENESS around the PROGRAMMING you have with money - and then having the right tools to transform that programming into something that works for you, instead of against you.

Programming  > Thoughts > Feelings > Actions > Results

If you can change your PROGRAMMING you can change your RESULTS.


Which is where the MONEY MAGNET ACCELERATOR comes in!
Enroll me in the Money Magnet Accelerator NOW

Hi! I'm Mary-Theresa, my friends call me Mary or M-T


In 2020 - I was forced to face my money mindset, starting with understanding what the heck it is in the first place. Once I started to learn the basic  principles, my entire world shifted both on the inside and out.

Some examples of what I've been able to call into my life since working to master my money mindset are:

  • Increasing my income year over year, creating a 6-figure business that allowed me to leave my 9-5 job and  have consistent $10k months.
  • Finding and renting my dream apartment in the perfect location with more space and amenities than I've ever had before.
  • Signing on a new $10k client after having a massive mindset shift.
  • Attending my first international retreat in Tuscany, Italy (my first European adventure).
  • Traveling the country with my best friends to see our favorite artists including Adele in Las Vegas, or Beyonce this summer - without worry or concern of how I'd pay for it.
  • And SO much more! 

What my clients are saying...

Alecia C.

"At a certain point during my time working with M-T, I realized it was time to move to New York City. One of the biggest ways she helped set me up for success in my move was to help me realign my money mindset. 


I started a side-hustle photography business when I had previously thought there was no room for me in that space. I know now, just because someone else gets a client, it does not mean there is less for me.


I also shifted my salary expectations while applying for jobs, and recently accepted a full time job with a salary significantly higher than what I've ever made before. 

Laura W.

"Mary, I literally just did a financial check-in this morning and my revenue from when you came back into my life (March 2020) to now has increased 285% compared to the year before!


I'm so incredibly grateful for everything you've shown me, from my negative mindset, to the stories that weren't serving me, to the actionable steps I needed to take to get where I want to be.


Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

Jordan C.

Since working with Mary, I’ve challenged my money mindset in ways I would have never dreamed of. Through group coaching I have become aware of the money stories around my life and begin to alter the ones that no longer serve me.


Learning to receive money and sit with it has been one of my greatest tools; I used to be so afraid of money that I would throw it to the wind as soon as I got it. Now that I’m aware that my fear has been the biggest hurdle, I’ve been practicing welcoming money with open arms.


Mary has truly helped me embracing the money magnet lifestyle!"

You might be thinking...

"I'm doing everything they are telling me to do, and still nothing changes..."

"I have invested in too many programs and still I am here, what is wrong with me?"

"I am desperate for something to change, I don't have time for B.S."

I hear you! 

I felt the same way too, for so long.

It wasn't until I started working with a coach who helped me see how I was standing in my own way, and started to understand the "in between" energetics of money mindset that I finally started to see things change. 

Because I invested both time and money into coaching, education, community, and looking within - my entire financial perspective and situation changed.

What will you learn in the

Money Magnet Accelerator?


Rewrite the money stories of your past (that don't belong to you) so they will work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

Charge your worth, and learn the mindset that must be established in order to do that confidently.

Identify where you are blocking the flow of money in your life, and practices to implement to move through that.

Identify a fixed "lack" mindset around money and move towards a growth "abundance" mindset around money.

Find $1,000, or more, in your life immediately, any day, any time. 


Learn the fundamentals of money mindset (energetics and beyond) that you must learn in order to have a positive relationship with money.

Establish daily money mindset habits to build momentum and consistent flow of income.

All of these things didn't exist in one place, which is why I created the 

Money Magnet Accelerator  for you.

Are You Ready To Become A

Money Magnet?


Six (6) 60-Minute Coaching Calls 

VALIUE: $3,000

6- WEEKS of TELEGRAM Community & Support

VALUE: $2,500

Mindset Trainings Vault (lifetime Access)

VALUE: $1,500


Join the June Money Magnet Accelerator for only $650!

The Money Magnet Accelerator Starts In...









Now it's decision time...

You can sign up for the Money Magnet Accelerator right now and over the next 6 weeks you will learn the in-and-outs of money energetics, discover the stories holding you back from charging your worth, and start implementing daily practices that will consistently raise your vibe and welcome more money in.  


You can stay right where you are, continuing to struggle with your finances hoping and wishing that a miracle will happen and that you will finally have the payday you have been dreaming of so you can FEEL safe and free.


If you are like me and going at it alone has run it's course, it's time to take action and start BEING the person who is excited and empowered by money.


I'm Ready for the Money Magnet Accelerator

Got questions?

Here are some answers...

Still not sure?

No problem! Email me at [email protected]  to set up a 15-minute discovery call to answer all your questions!