EP 26: EFT TAPPING - Chaos into Calm

EP 26: EFT TAPPING - Chaos into Calm

Welcome to another EFT Tapping Session on the YOU CAN CALL ME “BOSSY” PODCAST!

The theme of this EFT Tapping session is “Turning Chaos into Calm” Many of us struggle with letting go of chaos, whether due to past traumas or a subconscious reluctance to embrace peace. I am here today to discuss the paradox of how sometimes, the familiarity of chaos can feel safer than the vulnerability calmness brings.

This Session is all about self-acceptance and readiness to see a world where calm isn't just possible—it's sustainable. By confronting the deep-seated belief that chaos is the norm, and calm is a stray stroke of luck, we’re invited on a quest to redefine our relationship with serenity.


Throughout the interactive session, I'll guide you through tapping on different meridian points while addressing common self-doubts and fears, ultimately aiming to instill a sense of empowerment and readiness to tackle challenges.

So, sit back, follow along, and let's dive into this transformative EFT tapping experience. If you need a visual while tapping you can CLICK HERE for the Instagram post I shared with a step-by-step guide.

If you want to learn more about EFT Tapping (cause maybe you are new and need more details on what this weird but powerful practice is - I get it) CLICK HERE for the EFT Tapping Intro Episode!

Key Takeaways:

  • Shifting perspective on hard things and why hard things don’t have to be bad
  • The implications of avoiding hard things and the potential for staying stagnant
  • The importance of stepping into uncomfortable situations for personal growth


If you enjoyed this episode and are excited for more, please be sure to SUBSCRIBE and write a review to help build momentum and support the show (5-stars would be AWESOME!)


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